Women Rights Project

Sexual and reproductive rights

We ensure that the sexual rights of women, including the girl child, is protected and guaranteed. We work to drastically reduce the increasing rate of child and maternal mortality, sexual violence, and harmful traditional practices such as female genital mutilation and widowhood practices perpetrated within the local communities. In the communities we serve, most of these cases, especially sexual abuses, are not regularly reported because of family and cultural factors.

TIP, therefore, works in tandem with community-based organizations to ensure that such abuses or violations of sexual rights are immediately reported, and cases dealt with in accordance with the relevant laws.

Sexual and gender-based violence

We work to ensure that violence and discrimination of all kinds, mostly based on sex and disabilities, are eliminated. Specifically, we focus on providing legal services and tools to victims of sexual, gender-based violence, discrimination, and local organizations working on related issues. We also engage in legislative advocacy, community engagement, provision of legal guides and, as well as engage in other forms of advocacy designed to advance gender justice. We work with women in our communities and groups to identify key areas of engagement and improvement.

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